Eternal card game steam
Eternal card game steam

eternal card game steam

from your units 50 times.ĭraw 5 or more cards in one turn with Archgryffyn Patriarch. Use Dazzle to stun an enemy unit and negate an enemy spell in the same game.ĭoes something when it is killed. As long as it's stunned, this unit gets its / a unit with at least 10 Health When you play a unit with Imbue, you may stun one of your other units and keep it stunned. When played, you may exhaust another unit of the same type to reduce this card’s cost by the exhausted unit’s. Play a unit with at least 7-cost with Keelo Play a spell with 3 or more battle skills.ĭeal at least 20 damage with a single Pyrotech Explosion. Play Fall of House Roa while at exactly 1 Health.

eternal card game steam

Play 5 or more Dragons at once off Clutch of Talons. Have 2 different Ascending heroes with all their abilities unlocked May be exhausted one time to attack any enemy unit. for 5 or more copies of a single card.ĭraw Quinn, Lone Wanderer from the void three times in the same game. Show/Hide Miscellaneous Achievements Nameĭoes something when it is killed. Key ◊ - Hidden Achievement † - Retired (no longer available) Steam platform achievements are indicated with a checkmark, while Xbox ones list their earned Gamerscore.


As new achievements are added to the game and secret ones are discovered, feel free to add them to this list. They have been grouped here based on their associated game modes.Įditor's note: Some achievements may be missing. The following is a compiled list of all known game achievements, including secret achievements. The Flame of Xulta was the first release where platform achievements weren't identical it added more achievements on Steam than on Xbox. These achievements mostly mirror a subset of those found in-game. ġ5 achievements were initially available, with additional ones added with new set releases. They were included on Xbox Live with the Eternal's launch on Xbox One on November 21, 2018.


Platform achievements were introduced on Steam in the patch 1.14 transition to Open Beta and Steam integration. The 15 original platform achievements on Steam.Įternal has platform achievements for Steam (PC) and Xbox Live (Xbox One/PC). This screen lists all achievements and their rewards, though some unearned achievements are hidden until their conditions are fulfilled.

eternal card game steam

Each achievement rewards some amount of the gold or shiftstone game currencies, along with a number of "achievement points" (these only indicate general progression, there is no benefit or other use for these points).Īchievement progression is displayed in the Profile's Achievements sub-screen. A notification is shown at the end of any match in which an achievement is completed, displaying its name, description, and reward.

Eternal card game steam